Returns or exchanges are accepted within 14 days of delivery date.
If it is your first time shopping with Harmonic Threads, it's recommend to order one of a certain style instead of multiple of the same style at a time to ensure it is the right fit for you!
All orders will have a return/exchange slip included in the package when you receive your shipment. If you would like to return or exchange your order, please fill out the slip and include it in your return package.
The garment(s) must be in unwashed, unworn, brand new condition (other to try on), and free of any odors or pet hair.
Any items received after 14 days or requiring cleaning, will be subject to a 15% restocking or cleaning fee.
A refund will be processed to the payment method used at check out once return garments are received.
Exchanges/Store Credit:
A refund will be processed as store credit to your account. Store credit can be used to order exchange garments or something different! Please make sure you are logged in at the check out page for store credit to appear as a payment option!
Tracking is recommended for all return packages!